Oxygen energy therapy (OET)
Dr. Ronald Dehmlow
Oxygen energy therapy (OET) is a form of therapy which improves the autonomic nervous system‘s ability to regulate. As the body’s regulatory centre, the autonomic nervous system controls all the organs and organ systems which cannot be influenced voluntarily. By treating regulatory disorders in the autonomic nervous system efficiently, the functioning of the associated organs and organ systems can be improved.
The OET principle
„Consequently oxygen must first be activated in order to react with other biomolecules.“ (Source: E.F. Elstner). The OET principle is a method for producing singlet oxygen with oxygen energy subse- quently being released in the moist air [1, 3]. The principle provides a method for activating oxygen and allowing oxygen energy to be formed and transmitted via water-saturated inhaled air.
OET technology enables energy to be transferred to the water mo- lecules of air which is inhaled through an oxygen cannula. This en- ergy transfer takes place through stable photosensitive catalysts (modelled on nature, e.g. plant pigment chlorophyll) being stimu- lated by special light wavelengths. The energy continually being released from the singlet oxygen in this fluorescence/chemolumi- nescence process is transported on by water molecules contained in humidity. OET technology uses a hermetically sealed system (ac- tivation chamber) to prevent singlet oxygen escaping.
Combination therapy
Study data:
Participants: 37 people, of whom 21 women and 16 men
Age: 23 – 83
Average: 52 years
Disease: chronic cardiovascular problems, type I and II diabetes, COPD, Crohn’s disease, rheumatism, asthma, etc.
One-off OET, 20 mins, concomitantly with medical treatment, testing all known HRV parameters, especially total energy (TP), stress index (SI) and parasympathetic nerve activity (RMSSD), 5 mins before and after OET
Source: Explore! For the Professionals and Health Conscious Magazine, Volume 16, Number 2, Presiott (USA) 2007
The therapy apparatus can combine 3 therapies at the same time; OET, colour and aroma therapy. The standard therapy is to apply OET in combination with colour therapy. Initial obser- vations and studies on the mode of action which it is not yet possible to describe in detail are largely modelled on the me- chanisms of oxygen therapy (see: Die Naturheilkunde 06/2009). Since colour therapy and aromatherapy in themselves represent stimulus response (regulation) therapies [SR(R)Th) / [4]), the me- chanism of action must be examined in more detail by means of relevant test data.
Extracts from studies on OET
HRV Study Kucera [5]:
Inhaling oxygen energy for 20 minutes on a single occasion (Modus AE 5/5) had a marked influence on the autonomic nervous system demonstrating the regulatory efficacy of OET. A rise in efficiency of the regulatory systems was clearly evident. This increased efficien- cy is attributable to the activation of energy and metabolic resour- ces combined with a parallel reduction in stress in the body (e.g. conditioned by illness and permanent stress) and to the harmoni- sing action of the autonomic nervous system.
Fig. 1
Over 16% increase in total energy (TP) with OET
Fig. 2
Over 27 % increase in parasympathetic nerve activity (RMSSD) with OET
Fig. 3
Stress reduced (SI) by over 21% with OET
OET and
(Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
This study shows that the oxygen energy therapy approach can be regarded as effective with COPD. COPD is incurable from a (conventional) medical perspective and, at best, the condition may develop at a gradual slow pace. COPD patients are reliant on an oxygen supply for virtually 24 hour a day in the final years of their illness. The disease results in an extremely poor quality of life, ac- companied by permanent anxiety (shortness of breath). Mentally the patient is trapped in a vicious circle, having to contend with both the dismal prognosis and the life-threatening exacerbation conti- nuously experienced on a daily basis (acute attacks). Complications caused by COPD result in high medication costs and side effects which, in turn, need clearing up with further medication.
Spirometry is the gold standard for further diagnosis and confirma- tion of COPD. COPD diagnosis is based firstly on the symptoms and secondly on lung function. The GOLD guidelines are used when classifying the degree of severity.
Placebo controlled study with COPD patients and oxygen energy therapy (OET)
In this pilot study Kucera [6] demonstrated early successful treat- ment of COPD patients with OET.
The OET principle is being elaborated in more detail as a hy- pothesis and methods of detecting mechanisms of action are being considered, proposed and tested:
Mechanisms similar to oxygen therapies [1, 2]
Mechanisms similar to (bio)photons in regulation diagnosis and therapies [3]
Mechanisms similar to stimulus response (regulation) therapies [4]
OET (inhalation therapy) could be useful for patients with chronic di- sease who have high levels of stress in the body and/or permanent stress. This stress leads to a reduction in the capacity of the regu- latory systems (regulatory disorders of the autonomic nervous sys- tem) and subsequently to impaired homeostasis through metabolic imbalance and a drop in energy (metabolic) resources. The patient’s overall state of health could be improved by OET through the regu- lation of the autonomic nervous system once more operating more effectively as a control and regulatory centre. This would result in more efficient regulation and consequently improved functioning of organs and organ systems.
The pilot studies briefly presented here were conducted both for short-term and long-term application of OET with the standard HRV method and spirometry to determine the immediate and long- term effect. Further studies which could support the results so far achieved with OET are therefore recommended. Work is being continued. a recorded
The study results obtained so far indicate that OET could enrich therapy, both for regulatory disorders of the autonomic nervous system and also with organ dysfunction, especially COPD.
Dr. rer. nat. Ronald Dehmlow Stefan-Heym-Straße 5c 16341 Panketal/Berlin
Tel.: 030-20624270
E-Mail: english@active-air.com www.active-air.com
Active Air apparatus
[1] Dehmlow, R.: Sauerstoff-Therapien – Aktivierung und Energetisierung der wassergesättigten Atemluft: Das Airnergy-Prinzip – Review und Originalia [Oxygen therapies – activating and energising water-saturated inhaled air. The Airnergy principle – review and original data]. Die Naturheilkunde 06/2009 p. 32 – 35 and 01/2010 p. 34 – 37
[2] Dehmlow, R.: Sauerstoff-Ozon-Therapien – Grundlagen und Anwendungen [Oxygen ozone therapies – principles and applications]. Elsevier 2007/08
[3] Popp, A-F. Regulation, Diagnose und Therapie als Einheit [Regulation, diagnosis and therapy as one unit]. EHK 2007; 56; 330 – 336
[4] Dehmlow, R., Sauer. H: Reiz-Reaktions-(Regulations-)Therapien [Stimulus response (regulation) therapies]. Haug Verlag 2004
[5] Kucera: Die Active Air®-Inhalationstherapie: Die autonomen Regulierungsmechanismen unter Verwendung der Analyse der Herz-Raten-Variabilität [Active air® inhalation therapy: autonomic regulatory mechanisms using heart rate variability analysis (HRV)] Explore! For the Professionals and Health Conscious Magazine, Volume 16, Number 2, Presiott (USA) 2007
[6] Kucera: OET inhalation and COPD – personal message